To-Do List can be used to keep outstanding tasks in mind and organize a personal schedule. This application allows to create lists of tasks which can be individually managed. Each list contains a set of tasks. Each task can have a deadline, a reminder time and a list of subtasks. By setting a reminder time the user will be informed by a notification. It is possible to display all tasks in a calendar, to protect the app with a secret pin and to sort and prioritize tasks within a list. Colors indicate the urgency of a task (taking the deadline into account).
Features of To-Do List
1. PIN protection
Open the Settings menu to setup a PIN protection for your application. The PIN needs to be a number with 4 digits. You are asked for it every time you start the application / start the main view.
2. Reminder
You can set a reminder to your tasks that will notify you if a deadline is approaching. Settings provide you the possibility to enable a notification sound.
3. Widget
In addition, this app provides a widget that you can add to your device’s home screen. The widget presents you tasks that belong to a chosen list. Clicking on a task or its checkbox leads to the main view of Privacy Friendly To-Do List. The synchronize button can update the displayed tasks inside the widget.
4. Progress by subtasks
By default, progress can be chosen freely by the user when creating or editing a task. To-Do List gives the opportunity to automatically compute and show the progress of a task dependent on its done subtasks. Therefore go to Settings and enable Progress by subtasks.